Java & JavaScript

테이블 가로(ROW) 라인 이동

지에또일 2010. 5. 27. 09:40


<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>
// Set event handlers ------------

document.onkeypress =
function esc(e)
    var baseLocation=document.all.mainTable
    if(typeof(e) == "undefined")
    if (e.keyCode == 27)
        for (i=0; i < baseLocation.rows.length; i++)
// END ------------

// handler functions ------------
function onDBLClickHandler()
    var baseLocation=document.all.mainTable;
    var currentElement=event.srcElement.parentElement;
    var previousID=document.all.rowId.value;
    var presentID=currentElement.getAttribute("id");
            //reset rowID and background for clicking outside of table row
            if(currentElement.tagName == "TR" && presentID == "")
                    for (i=0; i < baseLocation.rows.length; i++)
                    if(currentElement.tagName == "TR")
                        if(previousID == "disabled")
                            // set rowID : set background to "on click" color
                            //set source row id : strip "r" from id
                            //set target row id : strip "r" from id                
                            // move row : clear background : clear rowID from container

function onMouseOverHandler()
    var baseLocation=document.all.mainTable;    
    var currentElement=event.srcElement.parentElement;
    var presentID=currentElement.getAttribute("id");
            if(currentElement.tagName == "TR" && presentID != "")

function onMouseOutHandler()
    var baseLocation=document.all.mainTable;    
    var currentElement=event.srcElement.parentElement;
    var previousID=document.all.rowId.value;
    var presentID=currentElement.getAttribute("id");
            if(currentElement.tagName == "TR" && presentID != "")
                if(presentID != previousID)

// END ------------

// set ID's for each row(id=#r) : intialize row styles : row ID container value ------------
function initTableRows()
    var baseLocation=document.all.mainTable;
        for (i=0; i < baseLocation.cells.length; i++)
        baseLocation.cells(i).unselectable = "On";
        for (i=0; i < baseLocation.rows.length; i++)

.rowOnMouseOver        {background-color:#FFFFFF; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#000000; font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana }
.rowOnMouseOut        {background-color:#9DB8E3; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#000000; font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana }
.rowOnDBLClick        {background-color:#F2E973; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#000000; font-size:8pt; font-family:Verdana }

<body onload="initTableRows()">
<input type="hidden" id="rowId">

<TABLE id="mainTable" width=400>
<TD>row 0 cell 0</TD>
<TD>row 0 cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 0 cell 2</TD>
<TD>row 1 cell 0</TD>
<TD>row 1 cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 1 cell 2</TD>
<TD>row 2 cell 0</TD>
<TD>row 2 cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 2 cell 2</TD>
<TD>row 3 cell 0</TD>
<TD>row 3 cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 3 cell 2</TD>
<TD>row 4 cell 0</TD>
<TD>row 4 cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 4 cell 2</TD>
<TD>row 5 cell 0</TD>
<TD>row 5 cell 1</TD>
<TD>row 5 cell 2</TD>
